• Foundation formwork for 3-story apartments - Cranbrook, BC

Experience that is right for your project

Tundra Foundations Ltd. builds on over 15 years of experience in the concrete construction industry. Our wealth of knowledge lets us tackle any concrete formwork project.

Don’t underestimate the power of experience, especially when it comes to concrete. If you have a challenging formwork project, you need a contractor that knows what they are doing. Concrete is unforgiving, and you need it done right the first time.

featured projects 

High-quality concrete formwork and foundations

Grade Beams

Walls, Columns, Footings

Tilt-Up Buildings

Concrete Stairs & Landings

Parkades & Suspended Slabs

Stairwells, Shear Walls & Elevator Shafts

Concrete formwork experts

Tundra specializes in concrete formwork, and we have done a lot of it. Our niche is commercial concrete, and we have done hundreds of grade beam foundations, wall-on-footing foundations, and retaining walls. We have done dozens of stair and elevator shafts, cast-in-place concrete stairwells, and architecturally-exposed-concrete (AEC) projects.

We have also successfully tackled projects that many others would be afraid to touch, and many of these are featured in our “projects” section.