We are ahead of schedule at our Baydo Pointe project, but are working long hours to beat the coming cold weather. Hopefully it can stay above freezing for a couple more weeks!

Our speed is thanks in large part to the use of Doka-supplied panel formwork. Every time I use the system I am impressed with it’s speed and versatility. We are currently pouring 150′ of wall every week, and I feel like we could go faster if we had more forms on site. And we don’t require a lot of manpower — a crew of 3-4 workers can strip out and stand (one-side) the formwork in 2 days, and button up in another day.

The structural concrete at this 6-story apartment building is confined to the parkade perimeter walls and footings. The floors and walls are pre-cast concrete mounted on steel columns and beams. It will be interesting to compare the pace of construction of this project to the adjacent wood-frame apartments, which are also 6-story.